A Fun Site for Busy Moms

Welcome to my blog! I don’t know about you but I LOVE hacks! Those quick little shortcuts that can save minutes out of my day. I figure that, as time goes on, those minutes turn to hours and that equals more time with my kiddo! So this site is dedicated to simple Life Hacks that every mom can use.

I love those videos that show 101 things to do with baking soda or 20 ways to use lavender essential oil but, honestly, by the time I get to number 19, I’ve forgotten the first 18. So, here’s my first hack – I’m going to focus on one thing each day. One thing. I don’t want to overwhelm myself with too many “to dos”. I’m taking things on one at a time.

My posts will be quick and simple. Just a tidbit of information to get you on your way. And, if it saves you a minute or two each day, that’s awesome!

So let’s get this party started!

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